All you need to do is scale the model, reshuffle the patterns on the pages, and get some decent paper ready in your printer. With the Pepakura Designer installed, and a PDO file, you're almost ready to print. Pepakura Designer is availible as a free demo that will not allow you to save PDO files, or you may buy the full version relatively inexpensively and begin distributing your own PDO files for others to use. Unfolding a 3d file correctly can be tedious and difficult, which is why PDO files are so popular all the work has been done for you (except the printing, cutting, folding, and gluing!). The original 3d model file, once imported into the Pepakura Designer program, and unfolded, is saved and distributed to the masses as a ".PDO" file (or as a "pep file". With this program, a 3d model file can be imported and then unfolded into patterns that can be then printed out onto paper, cut out, and then folded and glued into a paper 3d model. We use it to refer to paper 3d models, much like origami, that are created using a program called "Pepakura Designer," made by.

Pepakura (or "pep") is a Japanese word which means "papercraft". For Pepakura Safety Concerns, see Safety. For Pepakura Files, see Pepakura File Index. It is on the pricey side and not always available locally.For Pepakura Tutorials, see Pepakura Tutorial. Too much glue can cause gaps in areas that should have a nice clean seam.Īn alternative and Foamsmith favourite is using Barge contact cement. When it comes to putting things together Hot glue can be used. Metal rulers are you friend for straight cuts. Try not to use a sawing/back and forth motion when cutting foam.

Either have lots of spare blades on hand or to save money, invest in a blade sharpener. You will feel it kind of catching onto the foam and tearing. You'll know when your blade is dull when the knife doesn't glide through the foam. When cutting foam make sure to have a really sharp box cutter/exacto knife. They have some free templates of generic helmet and gauntlets that are perfect to practice with. Try going to EvilTed's or Punished Props website. Click to expand.Since being new to foam try to do practice bits to get used to the medium.